We strongly believe that cross-sectoral cooperation on national as well as international level is a key step to solving the most imporatnt problems of our society. Sharing know-how and good practices among all stakeholders, however, does not only helps to solve problematic issues. It also allows us to make most of the opportunities we have at hand.
Over the past five years we have collaborated with more than 50 international organisations from different sectors across whole Europe (universities, schools, enterprises, NGOs, research centres, public institutions, youth associations etc.) and we developed several different projects in various areas. We also develop our networks in the Czech Republic and provide Czech organisations with transnational know-how and contacts.
If you are looking for new opportunites to develop your activities, we can provide you with support in the following areas. We have long-term experience and expertise in following areas:
Development of European cooperation, networking of organisations across various sectors, facilitation of mutual collaboration
Monitoring of funding opportunities, designing project proposals, project management and implementation, financial management (ERASMUS+, ESF, EC programmes)
Designing and implementing research and analytical studies in different areas connected to education, employment, entrepreneurship and labour market
Developing tailor-made trainings (workshops, seminars, courses) for educators, students, companies, NGOs, youth leaders and other stakeholders
Designing and implementing interactive tools for further professional as well as personal development (gamificated e-courses, blended learning materials, ICT-based tools etc.)